-> Archive home Artgerechte Plüschtierhaltung The title for this residency translates in English as ‘humanely soft toy animal keeping’ and plays on the double meaning of ‘artgerecht’ as something that is ‘right art’ but is also an expression for the correct way to keep an animal. The project I realized in Gepard14 evolved from…(Read More)
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-> Archive home Alter Ego In 2013 I was invited to do a site-specific work in the CabaneB, in Bümpliz, Switzerland. Bümpliz is an area of Bern which is dominated by social housing and has an unusual high density of charity shops. My project for this space resulted in an installation of…(Read More)
-> Archive home Studio Sink Poetry is a collaborative project between artists Maggie Jennings/Christina Niederberger and Design Studio Hyte (RCA). The publication comprises a collection of short poems and texts emerging from our practice as artists concerning things, objects, ideas and thoughts that surround us in the studio. The book is published as an…(Read More)
30th January 2017 / 4.30 / Heatherley’s School of Fine Art / Chelsea Free In his essay “Aporias of Modern Aesthetics” (1990) Peter Bürger writes: “A garden gnome is no longer a garden gnome. This is the dilemma facing contemporary art, that is circumscribed by the unhappy concept of post-modernity.” This talk between Chris…(Read More)
In the month when Peter de Francia would have turned 96, five years after his death, ASC Gallery is proud to present an exhibition to celebrate his life and work. Its title, ‘Le temps s’écoute’, refers to a quotation he kept pinned above his writing table. Its origin is uncertain: the literal translation, “time…(Read More)
ASC Gallery Erlang House, 128 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8EQ +44 (0)20 7274 7474 www.ascstudios.co.uk Sat 2 Nov – Sat 21 Dec 2013, Mon-Sat, 1.30 – 5.00pm Opening evening with performance Fri 1st November, 6.00 – 9.00pm Late opening with curator’s tour at 7.00pm Fri…(Read More)